Leadcold signs Letter of Intent with Ukrainian energy company

May 12, 2023

Leadcold (Blykalla AB), the Swedish nuclear power equipment vendor developing Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), announced today that they have signed a Letter of Intent with the Ukrainian energy group NGSI to investigate the conditions for delivering Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) to Ukraine after the end of the war.

Ukraine is expected to develop and secure large amounts of green, cheap, and reliable electricity after the war, and the parties want to explore the possibility of meeting this through their collaboration. The Letter of Intent aims to establish a strategic and operational partnership, which begins with investigating the conditions for building and operating nuclear power plants in Ukraine.

Leadcold is known for its ongoing development of SEALER-55, a lead-cooled and compact reactor characterized by a high level of passive safety. Each reactor will have a 55 MW electrical capacity, and the capacity can be increased over time by installing multiple units at the same location. “We are pleased to collaborate with NGSI to advance the future of nuclear power in Ukraine,” says Jacob Stedman, CEO of Leadcold. “Our cooperation is an important milestone in the efforts to stabilize and modernize Ukraine’s energy infrastructure after the war. We look forward to developing a joint plan with them, and collaborate around site engineering, implementation and training.”

The NGSI group, represented in the agreement through its subsidiary ITESU (Institute of Transport and Energy Systems of Ukraine LLC), has long experience in implementing large-scale infrastructural energy projects in Ukraine and other countries.

NGSI’s CEO, Dr. Alexander Itkin, says: “After assessing the range of innovative solutions for small modular reactors, we believe that Leadcold’s technical designs are the most suitable for the Ukrainian market. Our collaboration will represent a unique opportunity to combine our expertise in infrastructure energy projects with Leadcold’s innovative technology. Together, we will be able to deliver sustainable and secure energy solutions for Ukraine.”

Contact Leadcold (Blykalla AB)
Jacob Stedman, CEO
Email: jacob.stedman@leadcold.com

Contact NGSI (Neftegazstroyizolyatsiya)
Vladimir Kvach, Project Assistant
Email: ngsi@ukr.net

About Leadcold
Leadcold is a Swedish nuclear power equipment vendor developing Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). The company is developing a concept with a lead-cooled and compact reactor called SEALER-55. The concept is characterized by a high level of passive safety. Each reactor will have a 55 MW electrical capacity, and the capacity can be increased over time by installing multiple units at the same location. The units will be mass-produced in a factory, which will enable higher quality, lower cost, and a lower investment risk.

About NGSI
NGSI (Neftegazstroyizolyatsiya) is a leading Ukrainian energy group developing technology and equipment for energy transport. The company, founded in 1995, has developed technology used to build some of the largest pipeline systems in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East. NGSI offers comprehensive solutions in the construction and repair of pipelines for all purposes, and has carried out numerous large-scale projects for many of the leading oil and gas transport systems in its markets. With the expected reconstruction of Ukraine after the war, the company intends to diversify its operations to include the construction of small modular reactors (SMRs).

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